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The Honorable Bishop Joseph Weathers was born on May 3, 1926 in Sumter, South Carolina. His mother, Phoebe Estelle Weathers bore three children.  Bishop Weathers was the youngest of the three. He was exceptionally close to his brother Rueben who was 1 1/2 years older, but is now deceased.  Their relationship was very special.  Bishop is quoted as saying “the two of us were like twins”. He received his education from Booker T. Washington in South Carolina and The University of Maryland.  He later took correspondence courses at other institutions of higher learning.


At the age of 18, Bishop Weathers enlisted into the United States Navy where he served his country for 17 months.


At the age of 24, he migrated to Washington, DC. Upon his arrival in the nation’s capital, he worked in construction until he was able to secure a position with the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture in 1951.  Twenty years later, he retired from the federal government and devoted his life to full time ministry for the Lord.


Bishop Weathers was brought up in the Methodist faith, but after his arrival in Washington, DC, he had a change of heart.  He became true Apostolic and has been Apostolic since 1950.  He accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as his personal Savior and received the gift of the Holy Ghost at the age of 24.


In 1951, Bishop Weathers, at the age of 26, married his lovely wife, the late Roberta Kurtz Weathers.  Bishop and Mother Weathers bore one child, Kamala Weathers.


As we look back, in retrospect, on the history of Holy Temple, many lives have a new meaning through the leadership and teaching from the Pastor and Founder of this great establishment.  Under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost, Bishop Weathers ventured out in 1969 and began his ministry with 120 members.  Months passed, Bishop Weathers’ faith was steadfast in the belief that God was going to do just what he said he would do.  He was fully persuaded that God is able to perform his word.  God said that he would be the leader over a flock and he would be blessed. As time progressed, Holy Temple’s membership and his ministry began to flourish by leaps and bounds.  The place of worship grew to its fullest capacity and a larger place of worship had to be purchased. 


In 1970, Bishop Weathers was given the insight to embark upon the opportunity to purchase the present edifice that we now occupy.  This building was a miracle sent by God. 


The Saints of ole, some have since gone to be with the Lord and some are still yet continuing to add to God’s Kingdom, prayed diligently.  The prayer warriors proceeded to band together to do whatever was necessary to bring into fruition the vision that Bishop Weathers had received from the Lord.  Members worked unselfishly and obtained funds necessary to purchase Holy Temple.  By the grace of God, a miracle was wrought.  Holy Temple was paid for in full in seven years.  God’s word says to “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and all these things will be added unto you”.  As a foundation, HTC has been a blessing to those who have crossed the threshold of faith.  The holy spirit has encamped itself around Holy Temple which has resulted in being a blessed temple of God.  It goes without saying, this place of worship has been a place of hope, restoration, deliverance and a place of refuge.  There was and still is a fresh anointing in the Temple. 


Bishop Weathers earned his reward Sunday, October 17, 2010. His pulpit was on Capitol Hill, but his message permeated mortared walls, reaching many different worlds and varied walks of life. Bishop Weathers was a lover of people.  He cared for the whole man, mind, body, and soul.  He had purpose in his heart to be a soul winner for Christ.  He loved his members to the fullest and to quote him, “I will give my last drop of blood for God’s people.”  Bishop Weathers would not compromise the Word of God.  From the pulpit to the airwaves, Bishop Weathers has proclaimed the gospel of Jesus Christ.  He stood on the Word of God without wavering and vowed not to succumb to the tricks of the devil.  Bishop Weathers was a recipient of God’s “grace and mercy”.  He often sung, “God has been good to me and I won’t complain.”  He knew from personal experience that God’s mercy endureth forever.  We were honored to have Bishop Weathers impart unto us words of wisdom and knowledge. 


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